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Teach them his decrees and instructions, and show them the way they are to live and how they are to behave. Exodus 18:20

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

2 Thimoty 3:16

Nevertheless, the one who receives instruction in the word should share all good things with their instructor. Galatians 6:6

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My Philosophy in Education

Teaching is a noble profession modeled by Jesus as He lovingly and patiently shared the good news of salvation to mankind.  His ministry serves as the blueprint for my career as an educator. 

My purpose as a teacher is to equip my students with not mere knowledge, but wisdom anchored in truth and faith, to prepare them to face the realities of life.

To encourage a fun learning atmosphere in my classroom, I motivate my pupils through healthy group competitions.  This way, they are challenged to think critically and freely express their ideas, emotions, views, and opinions within a friendly environment.  The use of technology also plays a major role in their learning process to familiarize them with the current teaching methods.  I intentionally help educate the children to better adapt to the world in its entirety, not just within the confines of the classroom or the campus.

Integrating love for the country in my lessons helps inculcate pride and dignity as Filipinos in the hearts of the students.  

Moreover, sharing with my class biblical truths and moral guidelines also help them foster a clearer understanding of who God is, enabling them to love,  honor, and serve Him better, following Jesus's command in Mark 12:30-31,  "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.  The second is: Love your neighbor as yourself.  There is no other command greater than these.”  This is crucial in molding their character as they grow as adults tackling the complexities of life. 

These are the facets that make up my purpose as an educator. 


        A Soldier of Elizabeth Seton School


Every educational institution is governed by its mission and vision.  Its educators bear the responsibility of uplifting these goals and ideals set for the students.   They serve as soldiers guarding these paragons, making sure that they are implemented without compromise.  This task must always remain paramount in the hearts and minds of every teacher in Elizabeth Seton School, to ensure that the students would receive the best experience and education.

In my 23 years of service in ESS, I have allowed myself to be a proper conduit of the school's aspirations for its pupils.  I aligned my philosophies to embody its mission and vision and subscribed to excellence in performing my tasks --- obedience and submission to my authorities, punctuality, adherence to the required curriculum and support for all the institution's advocacies and projects. 

I believe it is also crucial to make myself knowledgeable in the current trends in education.  I constantly get career upgrades by enrolling in courses and attending seminars and international conferences.  Reading and periodic research also help me improve my methods of instruction. 


Ultimately, I acknowledge that I am a servant of our Lord Almighty.  This passionately motivates me to strive for excellence in my role as a soldier of ESS, using the gifts and wisdom He has equipped me with so that I may represent His glory.

                                                                       Mr. Allan A. Ortiz  LPT, PhD, SMRIEdr, SMRIM

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